February 2017

Awareness – The Key to Mental, Emotional and Physical Freedom

Often times people assume that when they experience sadness, anger, fear, apathy, hate…or any other emotional state they would like to be free from, freedom is far off and they are completely trapped in a whirlwind of suffering without any means of escape.

But the truth is, freedom, peace, love and joy are always behind every instance of pain you experience. Every time you suffer, that suffering is always a layer on top of the freedom that you are, every time you become upset, that is simply the result of an energy, a reaction, blinding your inner clarity.

Now granted, not all emotional charges are the same. It is unlikely (though not impossible) that you can immediately free yourself from the pain caused by a deeply heartbreaking situation, the death of a loved one, a traumatic experience such as abuse, a partner’s infidelity… but even these wounds can be mended. No matter how deep the pain, everything, and I mean everything, can be let go of, every piece of pain and suffering you experience in your consciousness can be dissolved and integrated.

The most important thing you need to heal yourself is the magical light that cuts through the darkness of illusion – awareness.

The Liberation of Facing Death – Looking Into the Heart of Your Mortality and the Freedom That Comes With It

Have you ever thought about the importance of looking squarely in the face of the unavoidable end that all beings that have been born must face? It is something our present society tends to avoid talking about as we attempt to hide the inevitable from our view and never discuss it openly, usually seeing it as the greatest tragedy and defeat there is.

I’ve recently had a conversation with a man that only had one year left to live. He had a late stage of cancer and had given up all hope, deciding he was going to accept and surrender to his fate, whatever that may be. He fully accepted his death, whenever that may come (according to him it would not be longer than a year) and came to peace with it. What he told me was that the surrender to death was an incredibly liberating experience to him and he seemed happy, even joyous as I spoke to him. Superficial things like losing money didn’t bother him anymore (he donated a sum of money before I started talking with him) and he seemed at peace with what was going to happen.

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